The Book Next Door
Australian ESL materials for adults and young adults

Dementia-friendly reading

As I create memory-friendly books under the pen-name Unforgettable Notes, I’m always looking for research on the value of reading, or for good news about dementia-friendly libraries.

Libraries and library books:

Libraries are really trying to be inclusive, so ask your local library what they have on offer. There’s great information about dementia-friendly libraries on the Forward with Dementia site.

Information on reading and dementia:

Plenty of information in this 2019 publication from the US Alzheimer’s Association.

Some encouraging 2024 perspectives from the Scottish Book Trust, on Dementia and why reading matters.

Other publishers:

If you search for ‘dementia-friendly reading’ on Amazon, you’ll find there are a number of small publishers there. Be aware that many of their books are wordless picture books (though these can be excellent for discussion and reminiscence for someone who can no longer read at all).

If you do a general online search, you’ll find other small publishers. Reading 2 Connect only provides their accessible books as part of a program, but their principles are still very interesting to read. Dovetail Press (which creates modified classics) has a free manual on how to start a Book Group, for libraries or care homes.

Dementia-friendly writing:

If you’re trying to write dementia-friendly text, the UK Alzheimer’s Society has a list of tips.

There’s also a great blog at Dementia Friendly Writing.

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