The Book Next Door
Australian ESL materials for adults and young adults
2022 Nov 28

Intermediate ‘Book Club’ readers

covers of new book club ESL readers in pdf format

I promised that my next post would be about the new Book Club reading books – but only the pdf versions are ready (there’s been a hold-up with the printing of the library readers). However, I’ve decided to announce them now, before the end of the year, so that if you’re working with Intermediate learners next year, you can at … Continue reading

2022 Aug 10

Book reviews: receiving, writing, teaching…

Doing a happy dance over a review of two of my word search books in the TESOLANZ news. (That’s TESOL Aotearoa New Zealand, of course.) It’s a delightful review and so nice to have, but it also reminded me of just how invaluable the newsletters and journals from our professional bodies are – and how democratic! My word puzzle fun (Easy … Continue reading

2020 Jul 22

ESOL reviews and reviewing

ESOL reviews and reviewing - a new review of Workwise English Quizzes

A new review of Workwise English Quizzes and some thoughts on reviewing ESOLresources… Continue reading

2020 Jun 01

A new ESL puzzle book

Teachers Pay Teachers printable version of ESL Word Search Plus: Post-Beginner

Announcing the arrival of ESL Word Search Plus: Post-Beginner: another printable English Language resource that can be used for independent language reinforcement, as an extra challenge, or as a fun family activity. (It’s aimed at adults and young adults, in terms of the ‘look’ and the vocab it covers, but I know many of my students have children who love to … Continue reading

2020 Feb 12

Workwise English Quizzes: a review

Shows the cover of Workwise English Quizzes and the Fine Print Review

A new review of Workwise English Quizzes in Fine Print (the VALBEC journal). Continue reading

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