I know – my last post was a review of Workwise English Puzzles – and now, here’s another. This time it’s the WATESOL Newsletter (October 2018), where Eva Law-Davis has written about Workwise English Puzzles, and I have some more ‘hooray’ thoughts:
Not just SEE and AMEP…
My first big ‘hooray’ is that she can see the value for EALD teachers in schools. I know that as a teacher of adults, I do have a bit of an ‘adult migrant’ focus, but I always want to think that the resources are accessible to younger learners too:
Clare’s new publication ‘Workwise English Puzzles’ (with a job seeking/workplace focus) is an excellent resource for EALD teachers who are teaching VET programs in Foundations Year 11 or 12 or TAFE Flying Start programs. The book’s focus is on puzzles set in a pre- employment or workplace context with lots of work-related communication activities that are not too technical.
Let’s get talking…
The second ‘hooray’ is her comment on how puzzles can work as a way to start talking – not just as a solitary activity:
The diverse collection of puzzles covered in this great resource allows learners to begin talking about the language and the culture of the workplace in an enjoyable and highly accessible way through individual, small group and pair work activities.
Purchased vs DIY resources…
And finally, the acknowledgement of the reality of the busy teaching world – I know how much teachers love to create their own resources, but it’s an issue of time…
Once again, Clare has produced a highly practical and accessible resource for the very busy and grateful EALD teaching fraternity.
Why write about reviews?
Sometimes I feel that quoting from reviews is a bit ‘look at me!!!’, but I know that reviews are an important part of purchasing decisions in this not-so-bright economic climate – and I’m also so grateful to ALL the reviewers out there who take on the task of doing justice to a new book.
There’s another reason, too – I’m a bit behind with my next resource… it’s on the way, but I’m not quite ready to talk about it. So watch this space for updates…