Using ‘My Job is the Best’: an interview with Betsey Drake
When I got an ‘out of the blue’ message from Betsey Drake, telling me her students had just finished reading My Job is the Best, I wanted to ask her about it. It’s always so good to hear from other teachers, and even better to hear about the ways they use their own creativity to add to resources. So here are … Continue reading
Workwise English Quizzes: Now out!
Finally, after months of checking and tweaking, Workwise English Quizzes is out, and I thought I’d answer some common questions… Continue reading
The Language Centre bookshop: now in North Perth!
[QUICK TIP: If you’re simply wanting to contact Annie, her phone number is 0407 386 453. Her website is] There’s a sign ready to go up at Annie Folk’s new North Perth bookshop, “The Language Centre: Serving Perth since 1982.” That’s a lot of book-selling experience. I interviewed Annie back in 2013, but in 2014 she had to close down … Continue reading
A Pre-employment English reminder
AMEP teachers are a term into the new contract, with its key ‘pre-employment’ stream, so I thought this might be a good moment for a reminder of a few earlier posts on resources. I know that our SEE colleagues can access a host of VET/LLN resources (I’m thinking of listings like ACER), but for AMEP I know I am looking for … Continue reading